Technology, Media & Telecom (TMT)

Technology, Media & Telecom (TMT)

Unleash the power of technology

We turn TMT's possibilities into reality and advance it


Technology, Media & Telecommunications are being defined as the "new economy". The time has arrived for telecommunications and media industries to undergo a comprehensive digital transformation. Fixed, mobile, and media players must now integrate into a new environment that is quickening the convergence of communications; it is no longer a matter of opinion.

One IBC®'s telecom, media, and IT consulting services help businesses adapt and innovate in this turbulent time to boost performance. We collaborate with clients to develop new possibilities, from overcoming obstacles and competitive threats to realizing the potential of digital technology and convergence.

How We Can Help

International Corporate Structuring

International Corporate Structuring

International Corporate Structuring



Ensure your business grow in the right direction.

People & Organizational Performance

People & Organizational Performance

Ensure your business successfully manage organizational changes and recruit top people.

Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)

Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)

Enhance internal controls and corporate assurance frameworks.

Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance

Connect with our best partners to meet specific needs and foster the growth.

Wealth & Asset Management

Wealth & Asset Management

Maximize the returns of investments.

Business Transformation

Business Transformation

Integrate technology into everyday operations.



Turn your ideas into action and action into value.

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From Brick-and-Mortar to Online: Navigating the Convergence in Retail

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