Wealth & Asset Management

Wealth & Asset Management

Reframe the future of your investment

Reporting your company with our experts

Reporting your company with our experts

Asset management refers to the management of something a person owns that is valuable to them. This term is used mainly to describe the management of an self investments surrounding stocks, bonds and any other instrument that is used to raise their net worth.

One IBC® offers to maximize the returns of an individual’s investments. Our responsibility is to put your money to “work” in the most effective way so that it makes you more money.

What We Provide

One IBC® consulting services provide ways of crisis management and research analytic for your owned asset. Apart from analysing the risks that might appear in customers' assets, we know the key factors to deal with existing risks and while combining it with the fund and intangible assets services to support raising the net worth.

  • Fund Management

    Fund Management

    A financial institution's cash flow is monitored and handled as part of funds management. The fund manager makes sure that the demand for loans and the deposit maturity schedules are in sync. The management examines both the liabilities and the assets that affect the bank's capacity to extend credit in order to do this.

  • Intangible Assets Management

    Intangible Assets Management

    There are two types of intangible assets: definite and indefinite. Because it remains with a firm for as long as it is in business, a brand name is seen as an everlasting intangible asset. An agreement to legally use another company's patent without any plans to extend it is an example of a concrete intangible asset.

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